Conviction Achieved in Bias-Related Assault
November 30, 2016
Christopher Porr, who was caught on video assaulting Gazi Rahman without provocation in Jamaica, Queens, and accused of shouting racial epithets during the assault, plead guilty to Assault in the 3rd Degree today in Queens County Criminal Court.
Mr. Porr plead guilty to Assault in the 3rd Degree, a Misdemeanor, and must complete a 15-session sensitivity program through Queens Center for Change. If he successfully completes that program he will be sentenced to 3 years probation. If he fails, the Queens District Attorney has represented that they will be recommending jail time. There will also be a permanent order of protection for Mr. Rahman.
“I am satisfied to have my name cleared, and for justice to be served. I hope Mr. Porr benefits from the sensitivity training and does not do this to anyone else” said Mr. Gazi Rahman, the victim.
Mr. Rahman was initially arrested and charged with assault against Mr. Porr in this incident. An investigation lead by his attorney, Ali Najmi, resulted in the discovery of surveillance footage and witnesses, and assisted in Mr. Porr’s prosecution. All charges against Mr. Rahman were dismissed.
“There has been an increase in bias related incidents that has left many people feeling scared and anxious. As a community, we will not tolerate these actions and we will continue to bring attention to them and seek justice,” said Ali Najmi, Mr. Rahman’s attorney.