Personal Injury Attorney in NYC

When someone else is responsible for your injury, you could be eligible for compensation. With the help of a personal injury lawyer in NYC, you can seek justice for your injuries. You can improve your financial situation to make up for missed days of work and expensive medical bills. Here at the Law Office of Ali Najmi, we want to give you the legal assistance you need.

Working with a Personal Injury Lawyer in NYC to Protect Your Rights

New York City is full of danger, but the danger isn’t always as you might imagine it. Sometimes, the danger comes in the form of a careless employer or a car accident. In New York City, there were 20470 motor vehicle collisions in October 2018. Pedestrians and vehicle drivers alike experienced serious injuries as results of those accidents. If you’re a victim of an accident or another incident, you could benefit from a personal injury lawyer in NYC.

Ali Najmi can help you protect your rights. As a pedestrian, you have a right to safely walk down the street. As a patient at a medical office, you deserve care that keeps you safe. And as an employee, you should have a workplace that places safety first.

The Law Office of Ali Najmi knows how to stand up for your rights. We’re one of the first calls you should make in the event of an accident. When you work with us, you get representation from an aggressive legal team that fights for what you want. With specific experience in personal injury cases, Ali Najmi has what it takes to get you results.

What Should You do if You’re a Victim of Personal Injury?

If you’re a victim of personal injury, you could have a long road to recovery. Fortunately, a personal injury lawyer in NYC with free consultation services can help you. Ali Najmi can tell you whether or not you have a case. Then, they can tell you what steps you need to take to improve your chances of success.

If you’re injured in New York City, there are a few steps you can take to improve your chances at a successful claim. For one, you should receive the necessary medical care.

You need to document your injury. And the only way to do that is to visit a doctor. If your injury is severe enough, you should head to the emergency room. However, a minor enough injury might only warrant a trip to your doctor.

Keep in mind that the longer you wait to see the doctor, the more you put your personal injury claim at risk. You need to act quickly to assess your damage. Failing to seek medical attention sends a message that your injury is not serious. It also could make it seem as if your injury was a result of a different incident, and not the one in your claim.

Contact a Lawyer

After you seek medical attention for your injuries, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in NYC with free consultation services. Every personal injury case involves a different situation. Therefore, you need to speak with us to determine how to handle the situation. With our expert advice, you can handle your incident the right way.

Just as you should contact a doctor quickly, you should contact a personal injury lawyer in NYC as quickly as possible. The sooner you act, the sooner you can seek compensation.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

There is more than one type of personal injury case. A personal injury can occur when someone causes harm to another individual. If that harm was a result of negligence or recklessness, then the harmed individual could have a personal injury claim.

Here are some examples of common personal injury claims:

1. Car Accidents

With so many cars on the road in New York City, driving is a dangerous activity. On top of the high volume of cars, you need to deal with issues like distracted driving, recklessness, and negligence. Shockingly, 1.4% of New York City drivers report driving after drinking too much.

When drunk driving or other reckless behaviors cause your accident, you could file a personal injury claim. A New York car accident lawyer from our office could help you get compensation for your accident.

According to state law, you might be able to hold the other driver responsible for the cost of your injuries. If your medical bills are piling up, a New York car accident lawyer might be able to seek out money for them.

2. Medical Malpractice

When you visit a doctor, you have the expectation of skilled care. However, some doctors do not provide patients with the care they expect and deserve. This lack of adequate care can cause personal injury.

In 2015, New York had 19.3 medical malpractice suits per 100,000 residents. It’s more common than you might imagine.

Despite the prevalence of medical malpractice, getting compensation for your injuries isn’t always easy. It’s a complex type of case that has many moving parts. If you think you have a case, contact one of the medical malpractice lawyers in NYC for a free consultation.

Our staff can tell you whether or not you have a strong case. If you decide to move forward, they can take the steps towards getting you compensation.

3. Slip and Falls

One of the more common types of personal injury cases is slip and fall accidents. Slip and falls can occur on someone’s property or at the workplace. In either scenario, the result can be a personal injury claim.

In New York City, there were about 38,000 slip and fall-related hospitalizations of individuals over the age of 65 in 2014. But slip and falls don’t only happen to the elderly. They can happen to anyone of any age. Often, someone causes the accident by negligence.

People who own a property are responsible for keeping that property safe. In New York City, that means keeping a property free of hazards. Although not every fall on the property places the blame on the owner, some falls can leave the blame on the owner’s shoulders.

The following situations can prevent you from collecting on a slip and fall personal injury claim:

  • You were not expected or allowed to be in the area of the incident
  • The danger was obvious
  • You didn’t pay attention as you walked around
  • Your footwear was not appropriate for the conditions
  • The owner made an effort to warn you of the hazard (they used cones or other signage)

If you’re wondering what to do after a slip and fall accident, the solution is simple. Contact one of the experienced slip and fall lawyers NYC. With our help, you can make the most of your incident.

4. Dog Bites

Although dogs can be loving and caring creatures, they can also be dangerous. If a dog owner is not responsible and their dog bites you, then you could have a basis for a personal injury claim.

Like all other types of personal injury claims, your situation needs to meet certain standards. In New York City, the dog bite laws can be particularly confusing.

New York City law does not allow for a victim to receive money for negligence on the part of a dog owner. For example, you cannot take someone for court simply for not leashing their dog. However, other circumstances can change the situation.

If an owner has a dog with a known history of biting people, they could be responsible for paying your medical and veterinary costs. They could also be responsible if they own a dog whom the law already declared as dangerous.

The laws surrounding dog bites in New York can be murky. If you work with a personal injury lawyer in NYC, you can get some clarity on the issue.

5. Assault

In some situations, a personal injury claim has nothing to do with negligence. Instead, it involves an incident that included an intent to harm.

Assault, battery, and several other crimes involve incidents of intentional harm. If you are a victim of such harm, you could have a personal injury claim.

A personal injury claim is different than a criminal case — it’s a civil lawsuit. In cases of assault and battery, you could have a criminal case as well as a civil case. Even if a criminal case has no consequences for the accused, the personal injury claim could have better results. Although the claim cannot result in jail time for the accused, it could result in financial consequences.

In 2016, New York City police reported 41,665 misdemeanor assault offenses (including related offenses). If you’re one of the many victims, you should seek the help of a personal injury lawyer in NYC.

Taking on Insurance Companies

Big insurance companies don’t have your best interest in mind. If you’re in a New York City car accident, you should expect some resistance from the insurance company. They might not be willing to give you the compensation you need.

In many personal injury cases, the real battle is against insurance companies. For example, many employers have insurance to cover workers compensation claims. Vehicle drivers have car insurance to cover the cost of accidents and their collateral damage. Even businesses have insurance to protect them from customers who have accidents in their establishments.

With so many personal injury cases involving insurance companies, you need to prepare yourself for a fight. Here at the Law Office of Ali Najim, we can take on the insurance companies. You don’t need to settle for an unfair payout. Instead, you can work with us and try to get the compensation to which you are entitled.

Our law firm has access to all of the tools we need to file a successful lawsuit. Additionally, we have the experience necessary to take on large insurance companies. We can level the playing field to give you a chance at getting the money you deserve.

How Can We Help?

Here at the Law Office of Ali Najmi, we want to make a difference. After a personal injury, you could have difficulty getting back on your feet. In addition to suffering physically, you could also suffer mentally. The effects of personal injury can be devastating.

Ali Najmi wants to help you rebound from your incident. With our assistance, you can seek compensation for the incident.

According to state law, you can receive compensation for all of the following:

  • Past, present, and future medical bills
  • Loss of income, whether temporary or more long-term
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other losses

Not all personal injury claims result in high payouts. The amount of compensation you receive depend on a variety of factors. For one, it depends on the circumstances of your incident. The more culpability the other party has, the more likely you are to get a high payout.

Another important factor is your judge. If your case goes to court, then the decision is in the hands of a judge. It’s up to your personal injury lawyer in NYC to convince a judge to award you compensation.

Ali Najmi knows what it takes to get you a fair outcome. After years of working in this niche, our team knows the secrets to getting great results. By working with us, you can improve your chances of a successful case.

Get the Attention You Deserve from a Personal Injury Lawyer in NYC

Personal injury law is not a one-size-fits all type of law. Every case is unique and requires a different legal strategy. For that reason, our office gives every client the attention they deserve. We take the time to hear all about your case. After we get to know the details, we work on a detailed strategy.

We understand the challenges that come with personal injury. Whether you’re suffering physically or emotionally, you have the right to seek financial support. We can give you a personal injury lawyer in NYC who gives you the attention and the representation you deserve.

If you’re wondering what to do after a slip and fall accident or want to find out about other personal injury claims, contact our office. We want to answer your questions and aid you in your search for justice.


“Ali Najmi did excellent work reducing my case to a minimum, helping me avoid jail time as well as giving me the opportunity to have another chance to live a law abiding life. I had quite a heavy case and Ali succeeded in defending me.”

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